
08347 Understanding the Nature of the Mineral Scale Problems in Ghawar Gas Condensate Wells to Describe and Apply the Right Approach of Mitigation

Product Number: 51300-08347-SG
ISBN: 08347 2008 CP
Author: Hassan M. Hussain, Hamad M. Marri, Carlos A. Franco, and Mohammed Asiri
Publication Date: 2008
Different mechanisms are contributing to mineral scale generation in the gas condensate producer wells in Ghawar Field. Carbonate scales are the main mineral scale growing up in the reservoir side while sulfate scales are the mineral compounds deposit along the production strings. Several methods have been implemented to dissolve the mineral scales in the reservoir and to mitigate the mineral deposits found into production string. A combination of mechanical tools (Vibra hammer, motor-mills, Pulsonix and variety of scale blasters) with chemical fluids (foam, DTPA, water and low HCl concentration) have been the main methods used to clean the deposits into tubing string. Currently, a scale strategy to mitigate the future impact of mineral scales in the reservoir, as consequence of reservoir pressure decline, is being development.
Different mechanisms are contributing to mineral scale generation in the gas condensate producer wells in Ghawar Field. Carbonate scales are the main mineral scale growing up in the reservoir side while sulfate scales are the mineral compounds deposit along the production strings. Several methods have been implemented to dissolve the mineral scales in the reservoir and to mitigate the mineral deposits found into production string. A combination of mechanical tools (Vibra hammer, motor-mills, Pulsonix and variety of scale blasters) with chemical fluids (foam, DTPA, water and low HCl concentration) have been the main methods used to clean the deposits into tubing string. Currently, a scale strategy to mitigate the future impact of mineral scales in the reservoir, as consequence of reservoir pressure decline, is being development.
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